New Quick and Easy Way for Parents to Send in Absence Excuses to Worthington!
While parents can continue to send in a paper excuse note to your child’s teacher when your child returns from an absence, we are launching a new email address to receive and archive absence excuse notes. We are encouraging the use of email over paper notes when possible.
Include your child(ren)’s full name in the subject line.
Include a parent’s full name and phone number.
Include the date your child(ren) was absent and the reason.
Include doctor’s notes or other documentation as attachments if needed.
If there is a health issue you would like the teacher and health office to know about, you can use this email address as well.
DO NOT USE THIS EMAIL to notify us of dismissal changes and early dismissals. It is for full day absences only.
We hope that is an easier way for parents to provide documentation for student absences.